Rejuvenating Leg Massage
Salt bath/ mud bath+ kansya massage+ cold bath
Service Description
Your legs keep you standing all day long. To do so, a variety of muscle have to work in concert to keep you up. Because there isn’t a second heart in your feet, the pumping action of blood returning back to the heart is left to muscle contraction. So the more you walk, the more your calves, for example, will pump blood upwards. If you’re sitting down for too long, this pumping action is impaired. Over time, this takes a toll on the health of your veins and circulation. Similarly, if you’re standing up all the time, because blood has to be pumped against gravity and against pressure, some blood vessels can be damaged. If you’re a smoker, your diet is high in processed carbohydrates, sugars, and bad fats, then it is likely that your blood pressure and cholesterol are high—these will work against you and can lead to serious damage of the blood vessels of your lower limbs, and will make your heart have to work much harder. So while there are many benefits to leg massages, it is important to start with—and maintain—lifestyle modifications.
Contact Details
SHUBHĀNĀN - WELLNESS RETREAT, sh89, near Omark Design Studio, Munawali, Maharashtra, India